I went into the store early, determined to get their apple fritter, one of their most popular items. I ended up buying some apple fritters, a bismarc, and a cronut.
Let me start with the apple fritter: it was just.. wow. It had a nice glaze on the outside with an inside that was super fluffy and had chunks of apples. Also if you warm up/microwave the apple fritter, the yumminess will increase ten fold. I can see why they sell out really fast. The other donuts were pretty good too. The cronut had many flaky layers like a croissant and a luscious cream filling. The bismarc was a yeast raised, fluffy donut with a smooth vanilla cream filling. If I had to rank them, the best would be the apple fritter, then cronut, then bismarc. Overall, Johnny Doughnuts still has a wide assortment of delicious doughnuts that will wake your taste buds up with flavor.